Catholic Education
Educating in Virtue, Forming in Faith
The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, look to foster, flowing from the Dominican charism, the formation of the students, spiritually, intellectually, and physically. We support the growth and excellence of the whole person so that they too can go out and engage the culture with a knowledge of the Truth. We seek to foster the holiness of our students, because holiness and happiness are synonymous in the light of Faith.
We invite you to please take a moment and view the Disciple of Christ- Education in Virtue™ curriculum:
Pope Benedict has said “The dignity of education lies in fostering the true perfection and happiness of those to be educated.” It is our hope to join in the great endeavor of fostering the true perfection in virtue of all those we encounter.
Peek into Education in Virtue at Spiritus Sanctus Academy
Spiritus Sanctus Academy utilizes the Education in Virtue curriculum in diverse ways based on each classroom, but most notably Education in Virtue forms the basis of our various Virtue Campaigns throughout the year.
Each Virtue Campaign spotlights a specific virtue the entire school strives to cultivate over the course of several weeks. Students, faculty, and staff encourage each other to practice the virtue at hand through a multitude of ways: compliment cards, works of mercy, scriptural reading, and fundraisers to name a few. Virtue Campaign promotional posters and social media posts reinforce that virtue should be practiced not only on campus but off as well. Take a look into how SSA-Plymouth has grown in the virtues of courtesy, orderliness, gratitude, and generosity.
Religious Systematic Catechesis
Remain In Me is a catechetical resource used in the Dominican Sisters of Mary's Spiritus Sanctus Academies to help build a Catholic culture. As stated in the book's introduction: "Remain In Me contains our ambitions, dreams and goals for the spiritual formation which lies at the heart of each SSA. It is intended to serve as an organic and integral approach for nurturing the Baptismal graces already present in the soul of each child.
"It is hoped that this manual might serve to assist other Catholic schools, parishes and home-schooling families in their endeavors to plan a solid faith formation program for their youth. The book contains the prayerful and studied efforts of the administration, teachers and staff of Spiritus Sanctus Academies to bring to their students a deeper and more abiding relationship with Christ Who alone is "the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:16)
Disciple of Christ - Education in Virtue
The Disciple of Christ- Education in Virtue™ aims to provide a consistent structure and systematic instruction for youth to learn about the virtues so that they can form the habits and dispositions necessary to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
This curriculum emphasizes Christian discipleship as indispensable toward human flourishing and the quest for joy. It has been developed in response to the call for a New Evangelization, firmly conveying the reality that happiness is found in a life of holiness.