
Spiritus Sanctus Academies exist primarily to assist families with educating their children in living the truths of the Catholic Faith.

The Academies use a traditional instructional approach enhanced by current best practices in education.  The curriculum stresses the basic academic skills of reading, writing, computation, and critical analysis.

Each student’s talents and gifts are challenged and developed according to his capacity so that he might fulfill his duty to live in the grace of God and strive for holiness. Students are taught to use their gifts for the honor and glory of God, for their own spiritual and temporal good, and for the good of their neighbor.

We realize that children learn best by what they see. Therefore, the example of teachers who strive to live virtuously and give assent to the teachings of the Catholic Church is of utmost importance in providing an outstanding Christian witness.  Our teachers' personal relationship with Jesus Christ enables them to recognize the dignity of each child.