We feel so blessed to be able to send our child to a school run by The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Any parent that attends the daily mass at SSA will experience the joy in seeing that innocence is not lost in our youth. There is no need for the "Common Core" in this school that is Catholic to the Core. The challenging curriculum and integration of Catholic teachings give me no doubt that the SSA graduates are well-prepared to conquer the secularism of our society.
submitted by a parent
April 08, 2014
This is an incredible school. The teachers not only give their students the academic rigor to succeed but also the confidence and accountability.
submitted by a parent
February 22, 2014
This school is for everyone.... everyone that wants to send their children to a school where they can be assured that their children receive true Catholic teaching. It is a place where students are taught to respect themselves and others. All one has to do is walk into the school and with minimal interaction with the staff and the children you will know that you are not in any ordinary school. This place is different. It is what education is supposed to be. Concern for the entire child. Faithful to the Church. I wish we had found it sooner.
submitted by a parent
January 11, 2011